Jump Start Your Car & Charge Your Laptop With AGA’s 20k mAh Battery

You are stranded somewhere after trying to start your car. The battery is dead and your cell phone is too. What do you do? Smile, because you got to review AGA’s 20,000 mAh A26 Jump Starter Battery, and it’s in your emergency bag.

The AGA Jump Starter Battery Professional is small, and easy to use, yet it’s powerful enough to jump gas engines up to 6.0L and Diesel engines up to 5.0L. AGA knows their customers want a battery that is ready to go and therefore it is pre-charged.

The box contains:
Jumper Cables
Wall & Car Chargers
3-in-1 USB Charging Cord (Comes with Micro, Lightning and 30-pin connectors)
8 PC-based Laptop & Device Connectors With Adapter Cable
Carrying Case
Owner’s Manual
Quick Start Guide

AGA impressed me with their products at a recent convention, and I have continued to be so during the testing of this unit. Fortunately, I have not yet needed to jump start my car, but this battery has been helpful during long road trips to charge high drain devices like an iPad.

The integrated lamp in the front of the battery is perfect for those times on the side of the road when an overhead street light is nowhere to be seen. Trying to replace a flat tire or hookup jumper cables sans light makes each task just that much more stressful. AGA’s battery lamp even has strobe and SOS functionality for other kinds of emergencies.

Maybe your car is working fine, but you need to jump start a backup vehicle after it has been sitting for a while. This battery can help with that too.

Keep one in the garage and another in the car. It is rated to lose about 2% to 5% of charge each month, that is less than what other rechargeable battery packs lose.

I have been in situations where a boat engine or snowmobile would not start after sitting for a while. Too bad I did not have a AGA A26 Jump Starter Battery Professional with me. The group I was with would have saved over an hour to get each started.

Two regular sized USB ports are included on the side with the lamp. One port provides 9A and the other 5A of power. Turn the battery over and circular charging ports are available to power devices like laptops that may need 12v or 19v. The package comes with popular charging tips for multiple portable computer brands

When it comes time to charge the AGA A26 JUMP STARTER BATTERY Professional, the package contains a CLA car and wall chargers. Need a Lightning tip or a 30-pin connector to power an old iPod AGA includes those too. They have included more accessories in this package than a majority of brands do that I have seen. 
From Diesel engines to laptops, the AGA A26 JUMP STARTER BATTERY Professional 20,000 mAh can power nearly all of them. To say it is versatile is an understatement. Getting stranded without someone to jump your battery is never good. Waiting for more than an hour for the auto club to come and help is similarly unfortunate. Skip either situation with this battery.

Finally, AGA Team will be participate in the Alibaba Shopping Season by next month, There will be some discounts for All All AGA Jump Starter Products,Please feel free to come AGA Alibaba Platform and purchase.

More Product Details,Please visit AGA Website:Http://www.agajumpstarter.com
Alibaba Platform:https://aga-battery.en.alibaba.com



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